Common Mistakes to Avoid While Installing The Right Decking For Your Restaurant

If you own a restaurant, it is important to have an outdoor area where customers can enjoy their food. There are many different types of decking victor harbour that can be used for restaurants. The right material should be selected according to the type of restaurant that you have and the amount of use that it is likely to receive.

Not Allowing Sufficient Ventilation Underneath The Deck

After you've finished installing the decking victor harbour, allow it to dry out. If you do not allow your decking to dry out, mould and mildew can easily grow under the boards. This will cause a very bad odour in your restaurant.

You should also make sure that there is adequate ventilation between each plank of wood so that moisture can escape from underneath them. If there are too many spaces between the planks, moisture will not be able to escape from underneath them and can lead to rotting and warping of your new decking material.

If there aren't any gaps between each plank then it may be necessary for you to install some sort of ventilated material underneath your new decking materials such as cedar shavings or similar products which allow air flow through their porous surfaces while still retaining insulation properties against heat loss during cold seasons or heat gain during warm ones

Installing Onto A Substandard, Pre-Existing Timber Subframe

Installing a deck onto a substandard, pre-existing timber subframe can result in a number of issues. To avoid these, you must first check if the subframe is suitable for your needs.

Check for levelness by measuring the distance between two points on opposite sides of the subframe and seeing if it is equal to the length of your tape measure. If it's not level, you may need to jack up one side or apply shims under one side until it's level enough for instillation purposes.

Check for strength by pushing down hard on three points along each side of the proposed installation area: one near each end and another in middle somewhere near midspan (but not too close).

Common Mistakes to Avoid While Installing The Right Decking For Your Restaurant

Not Considering The Required Maintenance Level

Not considering the required maintenance level is a common mistake that many people make when installing decking victor harbour. The main reason for this is that they are unaware of what kind of maintenance they need to do on their decks.

For example, if you have an outdoor deck made from wood, it will be more expensive in the long run because you will need to repaint or stain it every few years. On top of that, if you don’t maintain your deck and let it get dirty or start rotting away then there is a chance that it could become unsafe and therefore dangerous.

In addition to this, not maintaining your outdoor decking can also cause pests like termites or fungus gnats which can lead to all sorts of problems including unsightly stains and odours on your flooring!

Installing On Wider Joist Centres

While wider joist centres may appear to be more expensive, they’re worth the expense. Installing decking on wider joist centres is a strong and stable way to build up your restaurant. Because there’s more material in between the joists, it’s less likely for them to sag or for you to notice any flimsy spots as time goes by.

The wider joist system also makes maintenance much easier because there's more space between each board of wood; this gives you plenty of room for tools and other equipment when working on the decking.

Finally, installing decking on longer spans will prevent heavy foot traffic from damaging your boards since their weight will be distributed over a larger area; this reduces maintenance costs and helps keep floors safe from damage caused by wear and tear over time!


The installation of a deck is a big investment that requires careful planning and consideration. You should always consult with an experienced decking company to ensure that you get the best possible results for your restaurant.

Source :- Common Mistakes to Avoid While Installing The Right Decking For Your Restaurant


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