Few Styling Tips For Your Outdoor Pergolas

Pergolas are a great addition to any garden, but they can be particularly versatile when it comes to styling. In fact, with just a few simple tricks, you can turn your best pergolas service in Seaford into a stylish area that will offer shelter from the rain while also adding charm and character to your yard. Here are tips for styling your outdoor pergola. Adding an outdoor rug Rugs can help to define the space. Use a rug to define a seating area, dining area, or play area. If you have kids who like to play outside but don’t want them tracking mud in the house, put down an outdoor rug for them to sit on while they play. Or if you’re having dinner outside and want your guests to have something soft on which to sit, place an outdoor rug under their chairs so they won’t get scratched up by their chairs sitting directly on the hard patio surface. Rugs are also easy-to-clean—just hose off any dirt that gets tracked onto it! Using lights for decoration If you're looking to c...